Obtaining Deeds from Building Society


Registered User
We thought our solicitor had already requested our deeds to have at hand this year as he knew we were planning to sell house. Of course, he hasn't and now we are in a position to sell house to cash buyer who wants to move v. quickly!! Don't want to lose out on this. Waiting for solicitor to ring me back this morning regarding this. We have already signed authorisation and hand delivered it to his office over weekend so how long should it take for building society to hand deeds over? How long more should it be to exchange contracts? thanks.....
was involved in a deal where bank lost the deeds. it took weeks to sort out not sure how a bank manages to loose things
Your solicitor needs to send your authorisation to the lender who will then forward the title deeds. While it depends on their backlog, the process can be prioritised if your solicitor makes a phonecall asking for the request to be expediated.

In relation to exchanging contracts this again relies on the title being in order and how quickly both parties solicitors can act.
If you know somebody in the relevant bank that could make a phone call to the correct department for the deeds, it can speed things up immensely.