Obtaining a mortgage


Registered User
We are about to post off our mortgage application later today...Im getting nervous and have some concerns that ye might be able to help me with.

Our details:
Husband: Aged 47, Gross Salary 69k permanent
Me- teacher, aged 33 (fixed term contract until August) Gross 43k + 5K additional income.
We've two children (ages 4 and 2), no childcare costs.

We have an apartment on a tracker mortgage with AIB. (its rented out to tenants)
Valued at about 200k. Mortgage left 180k

We've no loans.
I have a credit card, owe about 200 euro, I use it a lot but always clear it at the end of the month and before interest.
We ve been saving monthly between 1,100 - 1,400euro in addition to our rent of 1,200 monthly.
Current savings stand at 56k. Reckon by September we will have 65k plus a bit (10 K) of the sale of the apartment after legal fees.

So my questions are:
The last 3-4 months we have gone into our overdraft on my husbands current account by a few days, not that we were short of money but because really I guess bad cashflow management! Our mortgage on apartment was coming out and our rent and I had saved too much too soon which caused us to go into the overdraft. A couple of days later- rent from tenants and our wages were lodged in and we are back to a positive bank balance
So Im just worrying this will look negatively against us as we apply???

Secondly, Im wondering about how much they might actually give us!
I know it's a max of 3.5 times salary but with stress testing and the 2 kids, what might we expect to be given. Also my husbands age will go against us.

I asked AIB about my contract and they said to submit my CV.
I have always been lucky to find employment and have no breaks in my employment but its with different schools.

I obtained a letter from my principal to say that my position has arisen due to the retirement from a teacher so the position is ongoing.
Is there anything else I should do to help with our application?

We ve been looking around at houses- There appears to be a massive shortage of houses around the 280-330k range!
We are hoping to manage to afford a house around 350k.
Do you think we might be able to afford it!!?

Thanks in advance, Hope I haven't left any details out above.