Obamas Kneejerk Reaction


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Am i the only person worried about the manner in which President of US gave an instant reaction to an incident without knowing the full facts. I gather this man can trigger off a nuclear war by pressing a button and would hope he would not be so fast off the mark for all our sakes. His subsequent beer fest meeting with the parties concerned seems a bit childish to me and the media is only interested in the types of beer they will drink. Not very statemanship like?

Don't be worried. He has a head on him. He knew he did wrong the minute he said it. He listens and makes good. It's a pretty large overreaction on your part to translate that to a nuclear war being triggered at a whim! In contrast, George Bush more often than not did things without knowing the full facts, and more worringly ignored the full facts when they were made known to him, and worse again probably didn't even understand them.
Now I’m sorry, I don’t think he can trigger that nuclear war so easy. That comparison is not good.

Having said that however I think the Mr. Obama is a racist which for example manifested with his choice of a racist to the Supreme Court and continued with him immediately taking the side of Mr Gates without knowing a single detail of the case in the same week in which his home land security chief hints plans for Obama’s peoples security force.

He ran his campaign on “change” without any substance behind it and now that he is in power, what has he actually archived beside wasting billions of $ and messing up by his kneejerk reactions ranking from Guantanamo Closure, Army Field Manual Promise and now interfering with a local crime? He can’t even get his own party to support his major initiatives like Health Care.

The Democrats control the congress, senate and white house and nothing gets done. They have no clear vision and don’t even support their supposed leader. At least with the republicans they did know what they wanted and pushed it through.

Electing someone on “change” mantra with no substance just shows how a people cult works.

I wish Mr. Obama all the best for his remaining time in office but hope that than we get a leader that actually archives more than empty promises based on a communist people cult.
I agree my reference to the nuclear button was a bit far fetched but i still was taken aback by his instant response to what is a very volatile issues in the States and i dont think his beer remedy will alter his lack of judgment in calling a police officer stupid
Having said that however I think the Mr. Obama is a ..

I read your post and initially thought you were attempting to copy the Stephen Colbert style of commentary/punditry. then I copped on that you weren't.

I respect your right to express your opinion, even if I don't agree with it, but you should realise that, in Ireland, you're not allowed to voice an opinion which does not align to the liberal orthodoxy that permeates most media commentary .
I know North may not be the most impartial person, but its the quickest article I could find before posting.

But, dont let that get in the way of the facts - Obama was publically asking for this guys reinstatement in spite of it being against practically every law.
I respect your right to express your opinion, even if I don't agree with it, but you should realise that, in Ireland, you're not allowed to voice an opinion which does not align to the liberal orthodoxy that permeates most media commentary .

I respect your right to disagree with me.

In respect of the cheerleader media I think you are right, however last time I checked Mr Obama has not (yet) been declared a god officially, so I should be safe for now.

CSIRL, I think you summed it up.

He was all about respecting democratic institutions around the world and not longer playing Global Police Force (something I never liked about Mr Bush Jr) and on one of the 1st instances, where democratic institutions in Honduras exercise their rights and duties he jumps to support the person that is trying to become a dictator?

I fully understand why the other communists like Mr. Chaves and Castro rallied to support Mr. Zelaya but does Mr. Obama really need to jump in immediately? What’s this now, the new troika of socialist leaders? Chaves/Castro/Obama?

An opinion piece, by Oliver North, in The Washington Times ? From the same side of the fence as FOX News & Rush Limbaugh
I like Col. North, in fact I wish he would run for office, you know what you get unlike with a load of politicians these days.
Am i the only person worried about the manner in which President of US gave an instant reaction to an incident without knowing the full facts...
I am also worried and even more worried about the part the "race" issue played in the interference and also the ridiculous suggestion that the way to fix it was for all three to sit down in the White House and drink beer.
In contrast, George Bush more often than not did things without knowing the full facts, and more worringly ignored the full facts when they were made known to him, and worse again probably didn't even understand them.

So true; Admittedly you have to filter out a lot of Democrat bias, but if you read Al Franken's book on the Bush regime, there is enough hard fact there to make you scratch your head as to how any thinking person could fail to have been frightened by having GWB in the White House.
He never called the police officer stupid, he said the police had acted stupidly there's a difference.
But don't let that get in the way of these over-reactions, he accepted his reaction was wrong which is something Bush never, ever did.
No of course not. Stupid people can do clever things. Clever people can do stupid things.

Clever people retract their stupid comments - as Obama as done.

Stupid people don't retract their stupid comments - I will forbear from giving examples, I am sure we all have our own.
He never called the police officer stupid, he said the police had acted stupidly there's a difference.
But don't let that get in the way of these over-reactions, he accepted his reaction was wrong which is something Bush never, ever did.

Why is Bush the standard by which Obama is being judged. Surely, there are better standards.
Obama did something stupid. That does not mean he is stupid. However, it does show that when he is off the teleprompter he is not the talking marketing brand he seems.