Oath of Office for Government Ministers


Registered User
Given the attempt by serving Government Ministers to undermine the Constitution, whatever the moral rights or wrongs of the issue involved, should ministers in the Government have to take an oath of office to uphold the Constitution?
We the people, through our Constitution, are sovereign in this country. The idea that a serving Minister is attempting to usurp our sovereignty is totally unacceptable to me and should be to anyone who wants this country to remain a Republic.
I despair of the most recent recruits to the political system - elected on populism a lot of them are woefully short on basic cop on.

We cant have a vote, its unconstitutional.
Sure can we not have one anyway. :rolleyes:

Discussion about Brexit - Ruth Coppinger keeps bringing in water charges.:rolleyes:

If they don't make some headway I think opponents and media people will lose patience and just say "Sit down you eejit, the grown ups are talking."
I love this description of Shane Ross as Ireland's Boris Johnson, although it's highly unfair to Boris who I regard as only a blustering populist buffoon and so a much higher caliber individual than Mr. Ross.
Unfortunately this is what the "people" voted for. By giving no party a majority or no coalition a majority we end up with a collection of "representative groups" each of whom have to be pandered to so as to get any legislation passed and we run the risk that some "populist" motion gets passed despite the views of the AG (who is there to advise Cabinet).
I hear the "mejia" decry Enda for allowing a free vote on the Mick Wallace Bill, but "we" (not me!!) put these populist idiots into the Dail and gave them power via a "hung Dail".
Democracy is great in theory, but its at times like this I favour a benevolent dictatorship.
Unfortunately this is what the "people" voted for. By giving no party a majority or no coalition a majority we end up with a collection of "representative groups" each of whom have to be pandered to so as to get any legislation passed and we run the risk that some "populist" motion gets passed despite the views of the AG (who is there to advise Cabinet).
I hear the "mejia" decry Enda for allowing a free vote on the Mick Wallace Bill, but "we" (not me!!) put these populist idiots into the Dail and gave them power via a "hung Dail".
Democracy is great in theory, but its at times like this I favour a benevolent dictatorship.
There is no such thing as benevolent dictatorship...