Oak Framed Houses



Just wondering if anyone in Ireland has ever used Border Oak Homes, a UK based company who specialise in 'kit homes'?
I have been in contact with them recently & they said they were involved in a number of builds in Ireland so I'd be very interested to hear from anyone who has had past experience of working with them.
They offer a 'turn key' option & project manage the entire build for the client but as I work in the construction industry I would be keen to just get them to supply us with just the oak frame as I imagine it would be far more economical for us do the other elements of the build ourselves.

Any advice would be grately appreciate.
I think you may have to source comment in the UK.

Also the UK has a range of climates only some of which approximate Ireland's range.

In general the UK is colder in Scotland and warmer and drier in the Home Counties and London.

Ireland can cause unusual problems with timber and how a timber performs depends to a large degree on how its incorporated into the construction.

In many cases it comes down to detail placement, site orientation, exposure, interstitial spaces adjoining, etc.


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