Nutters in Knock

Should the [broken link removed] just be rounded up and put on a small Island off the coast somewhere?

Why would you put mentally ill people on a small island? Is that how you think they should be treated?
No it's not as scientific as that it's what happens when you give people too much valium.
Personally, if you were going to round up people and put them on a small island, I'd put Sinn Fein voting, Man Utd supporting, tabloid reading Kerry men first but each to their own.

A bit harsh on Kerry people - I'd put such folk from Cork in there too
I don't want to put a spanner in the works but, isn't it possible something actually DID happen down there?

Mass hysteria

If any of us are foolish to stare at the sun for long enough, it will dance for you too
I don't want to put a spanner in the works but, isn't it possible something actually DID happen down there?

Yes - something DID happen, a load of deluded people got together and convinced themselves and each other of dancing suns and spiritual activity. Mass hysteria - pardon the pun.
Well I would argue that they are harming the image of this country and that they are an embarrassment.

Mostly I hope, more rational beings.

I'm kind of surprised at this response Caveat. I would have hoped that we were all at the stage of live and let live and being able to accept that we are most definitley not all alike.
These people most likely saw what they wanted to see but why the need to beat down their theories and obvious feelings of delight? Some people felt happiness and warmth and maybe its because they needed to feel it. Some people cling to hope and faith and it gets them through tough times, just ignore there declarations of religious sightings and your world won't be altered.
I wish I could experience feelings of rapture so easily.
The fact that you consider these people deluded would seem to be a barrier in opening up to the notion of what they seemed to enjoy.
Even if you don't have faith I'd say by being there and experiencing others reactions would be a little contagious, if it didn't just make you laugh (which is a good feeling also, so a win win situation!).

Fair enough MrMan, live and let live - of course.

But I think "... accepting that we are not all alike" and the use of the word "theories" is being overly generous to the sensibilities of these people.

They are deluded, plain and simple - do you not agree?

I don't think it's harmless either - presumably at least some of these people have kids and in the 21st century I don't think it's at all healthy for them to grow up believing it is normal to see 'apparitions' or whatever.

Yes, the sensible thing to do is ignore them and I perfectly understand the need for some people to see things like this - but if I'm honest, as I've said, I find it a national embarrassment.

Imagine if one of these loolahs told you that he/she was staring at the sun in the sky and it turned blue in honour of St. Mary. Then imagine that same person said "and the operation is a small one whereby I crack open your ribs, slow down your heart until it stops and then insert this little beauty".

Or perhaps this one "Your son is doing well in school. He has promise. He is a happy little fella, almost as happy as I was last week when the sun danced around in the sky and God sent rays forth as I sign to us all".

I am with Caveat. You'd have to be mad or stupid to believe any of it. Possibly both.
but if I'm honest, as I've said, I find it a national embarrassment.

I find our politicians a national embarassment
I find our ill and elderly left lying on trollies in A&E Units a national embarassment
I find our binge drinkers vomitting all over the street and clogging up aforementioned A&E Units a national embarassment
I find our thugs beating up old people for a few hundred euro a national embarassment

There are many things that make me embarassed for this Country. A couple of hundred people standing in a field, harming no one with their spiritual beliefs or searches is not one of them, to be quite honest.

Im well open to it - in fact, as I said, I wish I could experience it myself!!

But it takes a certain level of delusion to believe these things and Im just not susceptible to it.

I think if I was there Id be a little frightened at the mass delusion tbh, how would you feel in the middle of a group of people claiming to see things that you couldnt see? Id be wondering if I was crazy or were they crazy!