Nutters in Knock

So you are saying it is just catholics in Knock who are an embarassement and no other religious meetings are?
You obviously feel every religious order in the world is an embarassment but everyone should be free to practice their religion without such prejudices.
Rubbish, if my religion involved human sacrifice, force conversion, child abuse, oppression etc should I be allowed to practice it?
I am sure what you mean is that everyone should be allowed to practice their religion without prejudice as long at they don't break the law or attempt to restrict the rights of others. Many religions don't fall into that category.

Well yes, of course. Goes without saying.
Can I ask why?

By the way, did you notice that the article mentioned that the monsignor declined to comment on the whole thing and that he was attempting, via loudspeaker, to entice people inside the church for a celebration of the official annual Dominican pilgrimage?

Or that those present appeared to have been prompted by the 'predictions' of a Dublin based 'clairvoyant'?

I wouldn't be so sure that any of this has the recognition never mind blessing of the church - which might partly answer Aristotle's postings.
They are a group of people having what they genuinely believed was a spiritual experience. They weren't harming anyone, causing a disturbance or getting drunk and disorderly or high on drugs.

On my list of people who have embarassed this country, I would put them very, very low down.
Lucky them. I usually have to pay for those sort of "trips".
Hey! You're already there . In a place you shouldn't be - judging by your counter (28). Tell us, how can you interfere with the workings of the forum? Can you turn back time? Are you the antichrist?
If there were more people like them this country would be a far, far better place.

Too true - I've often wondered what it would be like to appear in a real live episode of Fr Ted.

Do you reckon this lot had anything to do with the missing llamas from the M50 a few weeks back?
Hey! You're already there . In a place you shouldn't be - judging by your counter (28). Tell us, how can you interfere with the workings of the forum? Can you turn back time? Are you the antichrist?

My counter got reset. Asked one of the mods but they didn't know why. I've outside of The Depths but my counter stays stubbornly low.
My counter got reset. Asked one of the mods but they didn't know why. I've outside of The Depths but my counter stays stubbornly low.
187/28! Systolic dangerously high and Hey, are you sure you're alive?
Do you reckon this lot had anything to do with the missing llamas from the M50 a few weeks back?

I can't see where you get a connection with "this lot" and missing llamas or maybe we missed something. Was Noah in Knock?
I can't see where you get a connection with "this lot" and missing llamas or maybe we missed something. Was Noah in Knock?

I heard it was the beardy lad himself shakin' the sun

I got dragged along to one of these about 5 years ago by my then girlfriend, now missus. I think her ma put her up to it since she (the ma) couldn't go herself. Anyway it was a rare old day out. Drove 5 hours to get there, walked thro' a sea of mud for 3kms and then stood for 4 hours in the ****ings of rain on the top of a hill in Romania staring at some storm clouds which the sun almost broke thro'. Meanwhile the bells in the local monastery were peeling and the rain was stinging my eyes like angry bees fired from a spud gun. It was absolutely brilliant!!! Put me off religion for life, but I did score some brownie points with the MIL. Me and the missus have since agreed that we'll pay any amount of money to have a taxi take the MIL there next time.

And yes, there were rapturous crowds of lunatics all around us who swore they saw the blessed virgin in the clouds. Me? Well I just had soggy feet and was one step closer to an altar and some guy dressed like father christmas who told me it was okay to now sleep under the same roof as my other half.

Should the [broken link removed] just be rounded up and put on a small Island off the coast somewhere?

I'm reminded of the Rowan Atkinson sketch when he plays the devil welcoming people to hell and organising them into groups
"Athiests! Athiests? you must feel a right bunch of nitwits
Christians? I'm sorry,I'm afraid the Jews were right after all

Personally, if you were going to round up people and put them on a small island, I'd put Sinn Fein voting, Man Utd supporting, tabloid reading Kerry men first but each to their own.

These people in Knock were doing no harm, far worse things they could be up to
I was in Knock on Sunday with a friend. We were walking around the basilica and when we came to the side of it there were hundreds and hundreds of people staring up at the sky. Then, small pockets of the crowd would start applauding. We both looked upwards to see what were they looking at? The sun was very bright, and there were some long thin clouds in the sky. The sun was too bright to look directly at. Most people had a hand up to their forehead to protect their eyes.

I could see no unusual colour, the sky was blue, the clouds were white and grey. I certainly did not see the sun go all different colours (yellow, red and green). The sun certainly did not completely darken. But pockets of the crowd repeatedly started applauding again and again for no apparent reason. I looked at them and looked up at the sky. I was very curious to see why they were applauding. I could see nothing unusual whatsoever in the sky. Clouds passed in front of the sun every now and then. But I can’t say I saw anymore than that. These rounds of applause kept on occurring, but I just walked away.

Afterwards I asked one woman what she saw? She swore she saw the sun go blue. I asked a few more people what they saw? They said they saw nothing whatsoever.