Nursing Student: Is it possible to transfer from UCD to DKIT after 1st year?


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My daughter is studing nursing in UCD, she is in first year. She wishes to transfer to DKIT because she isnt happy living in Dublin. Anyone out there know if it is possible to transfer into 2nd year on a nursing course. I have looked at the cao, dkit & ucd websites and cant find any info there.
Re: transfer courses

from my days at college i think it is at the mercy of both colleges. She can drop out of dublin but she will have to meet up with tutors etc and beg to be allowed to go into dkit. Otherwise she might have to repeat first year over.
Try contacting the head deputy head of the nursing school in DKIT.
The course contents are probably quite similar to facilitate transfers etc.
You never know they might have had a drop out or two in Dk adn would be happy to make up the numbers.
Thank you for your info. I just being in touch dkit and the wheels are in motion depending on them having a place.