Nursing home fees - questions on hospitalisation


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My mother was resident in a nursing home for about 8 months. During this time her health deteriorated and she had to be hospitalized for the final 3 months and she subsequently died in hospital. I would have expected that the nursing home would have had a reduced fee while hospitalized. However, they have now billed in full for this 3 month period and have also billed for 3 weeks after her death. Is there any way of contesting this unfair billing.
I know you can say "don't pay" but do the nursing home have the legal right to do this?
Have you claimed tax relief on medical expenses by filling out the MED 1 form? You can claim at your marginal rate, so potentially a saving of 42% of the cost.
Seems very unusual - Did they provide any terms and conditions when your mother first moved in?
In the same vein as olddog above,

May I ask whether your parent was in a private nursing home? The reason I ask is because I have heard of this charging policy before.

Those who occupy private beds in private nursing homes have to pay for that care. Before someone enters such a private nursing home, a contract of care is agreed between the person (or their family) and the nursing home, setting out the level of care to be provided, the fees, etc.

I would advise you first of all to check the contract of care agreed between your family and this institution. There may in fact be wording in the contract to the effect that charges are levied during periods of hospitalisation. If the contract of care contains this wording and has been agreed, then it is likely that you will have to pay the cost during the periods your parent was in hospital.

Here's the reasoning behind this.... the nursing home will argue that during the time your parent (or for that matter, any other resident) is in hospital, the nursing home cannot give that bed to someone else, as they do/may not know how long the patient will be in hospital. The nursing homes have to manage bed capacity in some way, if they granted temporary beds to other people on the basis that you are in hospital for a few days or for 3 months, where would those people go after you return back from hospital?

The other issue concerning charging for the 3 weeks following the death of your parent may also be a policy that is set out in the contract of care - or, it may simply be an administrative error.

I presume you have already requested an itemised bill/a breakdown of these disputed charges? If not, I'd suggest you do so.

Private nursing homes in Ireland are regulated by the HSE. As with any complaint, you are advised first of all to make your complaint to the service provider (nursing home) directly. Contact them in writing and retain all responses received.

If you are still unhappy with the response, then you can contact your Local Health Office, again in writing and ask them to investigate the matter. It is always important to keep a paper trail in order to demonstrate that you have given the institution all proper opportunities to rectify the matter, etc.

I hope the above has been of assistance. Again, as I say above, check the terms of the contract of care first of all, it may transpire that you will have to pay the fees.
While she was in hospital, they held the room, so some charges are fair enough.
Just checked the contract and there is a reduction for holidays, but no mention of hospitalisation. Will check this out more thoroughly.
Thanks for all the info.