Number listed twice in Eircom phonebook!


Registered User
It has been brought to my attention that my number is listed twice in Eircom's online phonebook.
Two different names, one being mine the other being my surname with a forename that I have never heard of and both with the same address (mine) and the same number (mine)!!
I have sent an e-mail to Eircom to query this but as yet have had no reply.
Just wondering if anybody thought this might be something I need to worry about.....
If the second listing is for a person who does not exist, they probably won't get many calls, will they?
A couple of years ago we rang the number given for Bank of Scotland in Eircom's online phone book. It was the direct line to the MD. You can't get better service than that!
I can imagine the trauma. Thats got to be worth something
Have received a scam letter "You have won the lottery blah blah..." addressed to this non-existant person at my address with my surname!!

Has anybody else experienced this?
Yes - see the scams thread in the Good Deals/Bad Deals/Consumer Issues forum.
Yes - see the scams thread in the Good Deals/Bad Deals/Consumer Issues forum.

Yes, but the scam letter addressed to a non-existant person who has the same surname as myself and who has been listed in the Eircom online phonebook????

Something dodgy is going on.
I have received the scam letter myself previously, nothing unusual about that
So the scammers use the phone book to send letters out and picked both your name/address and the spurious name ostensibly at your address. I don't see how this necessarily suggests anything dogy going on (other than the fact that such scam letters are dodgy in the first place)?
OK, so we'll assume the scammers are merely using the info from the phonebook and because a new name appeared in the phonebook, they sent out a scam letter... fairly reasonable to assume that this is how they work.

The scam letter was merely a consequence of the erroneous entry in the phonebook

That still leaves the question, who initiated the entry in the phonebook and why?
Tried to contact Eircom but got no reply to an e-mail. Don't really want to phone them as I dont have six hours to spare!!
That still leaves the question, who initiated the entry in the phonebook and why?
Date entry error?
I just got a bill from bt for a phone I havent used since 4 years (we moved address). Whats more, I havent been with bt since switching back to eircom in........March 2006.
Bet that even beats eircom for customer bashing!