Nuisance UK Based Advertising Company!!..


Registered User
Hi all,
Would apreciate a little advice and opinions on what I should do with a UK company who insist I agreed to purchase google search positioning ranking advertising from them back in Aug 2009, I think this type of advertising is when you search on google say for example "food" my website should be the first result on the page.

Back in August 2009 I did notice a charge on my personal credit card bill for somthing i did not purchase, it appeared again in September bill and when i was back in the country I called up and cancelled the card ect. in October I received a call from this company in the UK who insisted the called me up in August and i agreed to pay them £100 per month for this service and they wanted paid for October.

I was shocked as I had not spoken to anyone from this company in August nor did i order any advertising from them, I also give no other person permission to use my personal credit card to purchase any advertising for my business. I asked the person from this company to forward me the recordings from this so called verbal contract that he was so sure I had agreed to enter into from his company, but to this day no recordings or transcripts have arrived. I asked for this as I belive im legally entitled to a copy of this so called contract.

About 2 weeks ago ( Some 7 months later ) I started receiving telephone calls from this company again. They were very treatening and abusive and said if i did not pay they were prepared to take it to court. I again asked for the recordings of this verbal contract but they refused to give them and told me if i want them i have to go to court for them.

I asked a member of my staff who has some previous legal asistant expeirance ( here in Ireland) from a previous job to do a little research into this company and perhaps the law in a situation like this. Basically she found dosens of wesites where people were complaing about this company operating scams and theft of credit card details ect and from their website that this company is registered in Malta, with a Malta VAT number and address ect, however they use a UK telephone number. She also found out from legal rights centers that I should be provided with a copy of the contract and if they have not provided me with one they have to if i ask for a copy which in my understanding would be the recordings.

When I put this information to them the dismissed it by saying the contract I had entered into with them was not a Business to Consumer but infact a business to business which does not require them to provide me with a contract or recordings. Can anyone help me out with this?.. is there in fact a different wrights in a business to business contract or is there such a contract at all?..
I also asked them to cease contacting me by telephone and email as I feel they harrasing me and my company into giving them money they insist I owe but will not provide me with any proof I do infact owe. I instructed them i wished all further conmunications to be via registered post or I would consider issueing proceedings against them for harrasment but within a space of 2 hours today i had 5 calls from them and 3 emails.

I would basically like some advice on what to do, should I pay them or ignore them?

Is it likely they would take me to court?

Am i correct in my thinking that I am entitled to a copy of the recordings, seeing since this is what they call a verbal contract and the recordings are the only proof that such a conversation even took place in August 2009?.

Also has anyone esle or their company had any experiances with such a company from the UK?.

Thanks for the help and sorry I cant name the company on here, also hope this is the correct section im posting my query..

Don't pay them.

Did you ever query the payments with your credit card company? You should have instigated a chargeback at the time you first noticed the payments.
Agree you should have initiated a chargeback when you first noticed the deductions. How did they get your credit card details at all though. Surely they did not pluck them out of thin air? Did you give cc details at any point at all?

Is there a registered address for this company in the UK? Have they ever sent you an Invoice?

Hi dmb,
I think I am dealing with the same company, as you could almost be telling my story. The difference is that I spoke on the phone to a representative of that company - the deal he was giving me was that I would pay them money and, if I didn't generate any new clients from their advertising in the period of one month they would refund that money. I didn't realise they had taken money on a monthly basis until two or three payments had gone out. I rang them and told them I wanted a refund and they said they had a recording of me agreeing to a monthly payment with them. I asked for and received this recording but 'surprise surprise' it does not show me agreeing to any such thing. The credit card company are now doing chargebacks but only from when I rang them i.e. they are ignoring the first couple of payments. I am told I have to contact the company every time they take money from my account and, if I don't get a reply from them, I must then initate a chargeback with the credit card provider.

This company are a pure scam and how they are getting away with it is just unbelievable. It amazes me that the credit card company cannot block them from obtaining money which I have informed the credit card company is being taken illegally and without my permission from my account. I am trying to see is there somewhere in the UK that I can complain to. I also read about someone in the UK who actually took them to court and still had problems getting his money back.

I'd appreciate it if you would pass on any resolution you may find as I am now thinking of going legal to get this resolved.

DMB, based on your post this company started charging you "out of the blue". I'm assuming that isn't the case...what (if anything) did you agree to purchase from them and how did they get your credit card details?

Hi MandaC,

I conatcted my credit card company when i noticed the charges, there had been 3 or 4 charges to my card at this stage though but they canceled my card and I actually think they did refund me if my memory serves me correctly, I guess because my card got canceled this put a stop to this company helping themselves and that is why they made contact seeking payment, I cant understand how they got my details atall as i have ordered noting from them nor recieved any invoice from them. I have been informed by the Office of Fair trading in the UK that they buy credit card details from some companies who are willing to sell them, perhaps a company that i have ordered somthing from and are a legitimate company but decide to illegally sell credit card details to a third party. Iv been told its a common enough scam in the UK. No this particular company use a Malta Address and did not provide me with a UK one.


DMB, based on your post this company started charging you "out of the blue". I'm assuming that isn't the case...what (if anything) did you agree to purchase from them and how did they get your credit card details?

Hi Pat,

No I ordered nothing from this particular company and I myself do not know for sure how they got my credit card details, I did contact the consumer line of the Office of Fair trading and a UK based solicitor and have been told that this is a common enough little scam in they UK and operates by a company I have purchased somthing from ( a legitimate company ) then selling credit card details to a third party who start charging my card. Or another scam is where a company uses a few different names and when you purchase from one, another or few of them will also start charging. Iv been told it does happen. this particular company has no UK Address, they use a Malta Address and are not even registered in the UK.


This is outrageous. If you could find out who disclosed your credit card details, surely you could "sue the pants off them"?
This is outrageous. If you could find out who disclosed your credit card details, surely you could "sue the pants off them"?

It is outrageous surely, I felt sick when the lady in the Office of Fair Trading explained the scams to me and made it sound like it was no big deal or I should have expected this or something. She actually said " Once Bitten, Twice Shy !.." to me on the phone!.. If I could find out for sure who disclosed the details I definatly, without a doubt, would sue them but unfortunitly, I simply dont know who or what company it might have been to be honest so I cant really point the finger at anyone, be nice to know though !..
