Is it worth switching a split mortgage to Nua?
You have to crunch the numbers. If the warehouse is less than 30% of the mortgage it might be worth it.
Say you are on a split mortgage with Pepper where you are paying 8% on the active part of €200k and 0% on the warehouse of €100k. There are 20 years left
You will be paying €200k @8% or €16,000 interest a year.
If you switch to Nua, you will be paying 5.25% on €300k or €15,750
So not much difference.
However, with Nua, you will be repaying the capital on the whole mortgage and not just on the active part, so with Pepper, the repayments will be €1700 a month but with Nua, they will be € 2,000
My gut feeling is that most people who would qualify for the Nua switch, would be better off ending their split mortgage and making full repayments for 6 months or so and then applying for a mainstream product.