NTL Upgrade + Missing Channels


Registered User
Hi Guys,

A friend of mine has just had his NTL cabling upgraded to digital (whole hosing estate was upgraded)... He also has a subscription to SKY (Sky digibox) for Sports Movies etc....

He has 2 TVs in his house.. 1 in the living room which was getting the direct feed for SKY package and NTL and the other TV in the kitchen.. He has a Splitter connected to the TV in the living room which allowed him to watch all NTL channels in the kitchen..... On topof that, if he had a Sky channel (from digibox, example SKY Sports 1 (401) on the TV in the living room, he had a channel on the TV in the kitchen tuned in to watch whatever was on the SKy box in the living room. If someone changed the SKy channel in the living room to say Sky Movies, Sky movies would then appear on the TV in the kitchen.

However since NTL upgraded their cabing, he cannot get to watch the Sky channels in the kitchen anymore, he even scanned/searched for the
frequency but to no avail...... Also since the upgrade he has lost Channel 4 from the NTL feed but he has it from SKY...

I have told him to get rid of NTL and just have Sky but as yet he has not...

Can he tune back in the facility to watch the SKy channles in the kitchen TV ?

Can he retrive CHnnel 4 on the NTL?

It is possible to get your ntl digibox content relayed to a 2nd TV, cos I have it ;)

From the detail provided, I am unclear what cabling is in effect. In summary, I use a VCR to 'receive' the digital input, then split the RF Out from the VCR to both TVs.

TV1 can continue to watch analog (basic 16 channel) or digibox. TV2 ditto, though it is not possible to watch different digibox channels concurrently. AFAIK you can't do that with SKY either.