NTL Replacing cables


Registered User
Hi ,
Just wondering , received a note to say that ntl were replacing cables in the area.
Anyway to cut a long story short i have cancelled in mid december and the question i have is , do i have to give them access to put new cables on the facia board of the house, which i presume they are going to do if they are replacing the cables? We are thinking of getting the facia replaced with plastic and I assume we would be responsible if we damaged them while replacing fascia( a problem we wouldnt have if they werent up there in the first place).
Are we legally obliged to give them access to put these cables up even if you dont want NTL?

Are we legally obliged to give them access to put these cables up even if you dont want NTL?


Absolutely not, you can deny them wayleave. However, it may have a detrimental effect on your neighbours service whilst they work out a 're-route' so you may want to take that into account ! Other than that you could talk with them and give permission on the basis that the cabling is neat and tidy and hidden if at all possible.

Thanks r2d2,
The last thing i would want to do is to upset any neighbours reception, but somebody said they have right to gain access becuse the last people that lived in the house may have agreed years ago to give them access. NTL would not be one of my favourite companies at the moment , the way they are treating their cusomers ie ( direct debit charges , penalising customers for not paying bill in time e.t.c. e.t.c ) i have cancelled subscription with them (still awaiting a rebate) prob never see it!. I dont want any of their cables stuck onto the house and was just wondering where i stood!