NTL - Raw Deal - Comeback ?


Registered User
Hi Folks,

I signed up for NTL phone back in Septemeber (I had been using their basic TV package for ~ 3 years). It took me about 5 weeks to port my number, and now a few weeks after getting my number back the service is down.

I don't have any telephone or TV for two weeks now. NTL are not returning my calls and cannot gve any reason why I have the problem. They say I have a 12 month contract and a breakout would incur charges. I don't see this being fixed anytime soon. they have said I will not be charged during the down time, but what I really want is a working phone.

Is there any complaints board I can bring this too about the break out charge ? Or any advice on the steps I should take ?

I would have though comreg.

Let us know how you get on.

I have heard NTL service is bad.
A friend of mine managed to get out of the contract (once he manage to get thru to them!). Basically said that they had not fulfilled their end of the contract so on the basis that they breeched first he did not want to continue.

I kicked up a big fuss about my service, but didn't want to get out of the contract. I managed to get a fair bit of discount as compensation.