NTL Broadband


Registered User
has anyone any experience of NTL Broadband, have been looking at the different prices/providers and they seem to be offering the best deal at the moment, any comments on the service would be welcome
Is it actually available in your area? This is the main problem for most people who would like to avail of it! If it is then the price seems pretty good for the package offered and you can always ditch the landline if you don't otherwise need it (something that I'd love to do).
thanks for that clubman, have just phoned them and it is not available in my area - so much for that idea then
Pity. All things being equal (e.g. in particular assuming a reliable service and helpful support) Eur25 p.m. for 300Kbps down/64Kbps up or Eur35 p.m. for 700Kbps/128Kbps no installation charge and no need for a landline would be nice if it was available on a more widespread basis. If it was available in my area (city centre end of Dublin 7) I'd seriously consider getting it and getting rid of my landline.

It's not available in D18 either and they have no timeframe for when it might be available...
Yeah - they won't give out any info about when it is likely to be rolled out in specific areas unfortunately. I've heard that it's available in the other end of Dublin 7 (Ashtown/Cabra) but not down my way (Stoneybatter).
Have heard unofficially that in the next 3-4 weeks NTL are going to increase their bandwidth levels by a factor of at least 2.
Unregistered said:
Have heard unofficially that in the next 3-4 weeks NTL are going to increase their bandwidth levels by a factor of at least 2.

I would be surprised if they announce anything prior to being bought...