NTL & Blueface


Registered User
I have NTL Broadband and would like to move to Blueface for VOIP phone service, so that I can finish with my Eircom land line.

My current hardware is:
  • NTL 1Mbps cable broadband service
  • NTL Cable Modem
  • Netgear 54Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6
  • Pace Digital TV set-top box
Blueface have suggested using one of the following:
  • Linksys WRT (instead of existing Netgear wireless router)
  • Netgear ATA (in front of existing router)
  • Linksys PAP2 (plugged into existing router)
Does anyone have experience of these with NTL and Blueface? Any negative or positive comments in terms of quality of reception and service?

Thanks very much for your help
My expereicne is not with NTL, my BB is wireless, but with regards the hardware, I went for the lynksys wireless router/ata solution. Simple reasons really, 2 devices built into one, youe get 2 ata points, which means you can add another line if you want, and the router/ata combination in one box allows you to set QOS and prioritise your voice traffic over data, which is a handy feature.

You may be able to do the same wiht other devices or combinations, but thats just my humble non IT answer.
