ntl BB & blueface - your experiences please...


Registered User
Before I switch my broadband to NTL I'd like an opinion from anyone who uses this with blueface. My questions:
  • Quality - how good/bad is it compared to regular phone line?
  • Multiple handsets - do I need extra routers or can you use wireless VOIP phones? Any other options?
  • Number porting - does this add any delay for a connection, does the caller need to input an extra code?
  • Anything else worth mentioning?
Mark said:
Before I switch my broadband to NTL I'd like an opinion from anyone who uses this with blueface. My questions:
  • Quality - how good/bad is it compared to regular phone line?
  • Multiple handsets - do I need extra routers or can you use wireless VOIP phones? Any other options?
  • Number porting - does this add any delay for a connection, does the caller need to input an extra code?
  • Anything else worth mentioning?
I use Blueface on NTL broadband and have found it to be excellent.

Call quality is good, sometimes it is as good as a landline other times it's like a very good mobile call. I would recommend getting an ATA to use with a 'normal' phone as I found using a softphone (x-lite) was more prone to echos on the line.

Multiple handsets - you could get a standard 'walkabout phone' with a basestation that you plug into the ATA and then have a couple of handsets to pick it up.

Porting took 6 weeks during which time I had a blueface 01 number that I could use and my eircom landline number. Getting connected to blueface was quick and easy. Took a week for my ATA to arrive from them and I was away. Once the landline number was ported that was it, people dialling didn't have to do anything extra, just dial my old number.

Do be aware that you can't diall 999 through VIOP but I am happy to use my mobile if I am ever in the unhappy position of having to dial 999!

If you have Eirom Phonewatch you'll either have to keep your landline or if like me you want to dump eircom then you'll have to switch to their Eirlink product. It uses SMS messaging to contact the monitoring station. Cost me 370 to install and monthly monitoring is the same as landline.

The following link has more info.

Belated thanks dublinboy, great information.

Another question for you or anyone else regarding NTL broadband or cable modem broadband access...

What is the best way to share the one cable modem you get with NTL broadband with other PC's in the house? I have 3 I'd like connected. NTL say they don't support this and that I'd need to get another subscription to allow more that one PC to access the internet over the cable - seems unduly restrictive/expensive - anyone know better?


link above may be of some help, but requirements are as below (from site):

Hardware requirements for connection sharing using Microsoft ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) with three or more computers
1 x switch (or hub)
The switch (or hub) allows all computers on the network to communicate with each other.
1 x network card per computer
Each computer must have a Network Interface Card (NIC) installed.
1 x Ethernet (straight through) cable per computer
Each computer is connected to the switch (or hub) using Ethernet cable. The cable lengths must be long enough to connect all the devices, but should not be longer than 100m.
1 x broadband modem
The broadband modem is like an ordinary telephone modem except it connects you to a broadband service instead of a dial-up service.
Or a wireless router if your computers have wireless cards.

On the other hand I have discovered www.voipbuster.com which is fantastic, how does this compare to blueface anyone?

Then again I currently have an unlimited 8MB connection for €30 a month unlike the dire offers available in Ireland at the moment...