NRA plans CPO of additional lands to provide restaruant / services off M7.


Registered User
Our farm is located on the proposed new motorway route from Dublin-Limerick. The NRA issued a CPO and took the necessary land for completion of the motorwway. There is no problem here but the NRA have now come back seeking more land for the the purpose of building a petrol station and restaurant just off the motorway. Does anyone know if they can issue a CPO for this type of development? I was under the impression that the CPO was just for infrastructure but was hoping to get clarification.
Re: Compulsory Purchase Order Query

You should speak to your solicitor. Are you a member of the IFA or equivalent farmers' organisation?

I dont see why the taxpayer (and the landowners) should have to foot the bill for these unnecessary luxuries on our small island!

Why not rely on the private sector to provide services at the exits?

For example the Midway at Portlaoise, or Toughers at Newbridge.
Clipper1981, this is a case where you should probably engage external advisers. All reasonable professional fees borne by yourself should be covered by the acquiring authority. You will need to get this confirmed.
Any CPO is enacted under legislation so the NRA should be able to provide you with full details of the extent of their remit and or authority.
I have worked with a client who has gone through this process. Please send me a private message if you would like to get their recomendations on the advisers they used and the process involved.
Good luck with it, regards

Vincent Digby