NPPR - What happens to the late charges when it gets abolished?

The NPPR has almost gone,give it a few years and there will be no one in Revenue bothering about it,they will be too busy enforcing the property tax etc.

I vaguely remember my Dad who paid the property tax in the 80s being mildly amused/annoyed by how quickly Revenue forgot about collecting it when it lapsed due to property owners anger.

I think on this one I may not have written that post as I intended.

The OP's situation does seem to be truly complicated. Unless I mis-read (from another post) the property was not their PPR for most of the time since the NPPR charge came in.
Further professional advice is needed but I doubt the OP will take this or can afford it (they were considering bankruptcy in the UK not so long ago)

You do need to do something about this -sooner, rather than later. I do hope every thing works out for you.
Hi Munchy,

Just wondering if you have had any luck with this? I am in a similar situation myself in relation to two properties. I applied to one of the county councils in question to pay by instalments under the hardship scheme. They replied to me yesterday stating that if I paid the charges themselves (amounting to €800), I could pay the remaining €2400 in instalments by 31 December 2013 - that is €600 per month for one property alone. If I had €600 to spare each month I would not be applying under the hardship scheme! I am now applying to the second county council and wondering if I will get a similar result.

Has anyone else had any experience of paying the NPPR late charges/penalties in instalments and how did you get on?
We had to pay our nppr in order to sell an investment property. Full payment was needed as it was to be sold €3420 to be exact. It acculumates €20 per month, per year so in a case where it was never paid, that is €100 per montb on charges. Had to borrow this money from family member so i pray the sale doesnt fall through. Either way it wasnt going away and needed paying.