NPPR should go if we have Household charge


Registered User
The 200 NPPR levy should be abolished now that we have a household charge/property tax. One tax on a property is enough - two double taxation. I have emailed TD's and the property consultation forum about this - just want to drum up some support for my view please lobby if you feel the same. Thanks.
I agree. Scrap the household charge and double the NPPR. That's what I say!
The NPPR was set low just to get the database going.
It's like the TV license, once you're on the system they have you forever

200 now, it'll be one thousand within two years I predict
Forgive my ignorance, but is this charge the equivalent of the local authority rates that we pay here in England ?
A further question is whether this 200E is a monthly, one off, or monthly or annual charge?

I agree in that the services the NPPR is supposed to support are exactly the services the Household Charge is supposedly for. It should be one or the other, not both.