Most people in Ireland will be unaware that they will need a certification of exemption from NPPR if they are selling the family home. The NPPR was a charge on properties other than the property one resided in. But when you die, your executor will need to prove it was your residence, in order for an exemption. This will be more and more difficult as the years go by because you have to prove that your parent lived in the family home in 2009 until 2013. In practice the local council administering this accept documentation for 2009 and 2013 as proof. You require two documents for each of those years. Utility bills, bank statements, social welfare correspondance. I would actually recommend the entire country apply now for the examption so that all is in order in the future.
Here is an example, go to exemptions or probate. ...NPPR) Charge/NPPR Exemption Application Forms
Here is an example, go to exemptions or probate. ...NPPR) Charge/NPPR Exemption Application Forms
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