Noyeks Kitchens



I lucked out on the Ikea question so thought I would ask if anyone has installed a Noyeks kitchen? I'm looking all over at kitchens at the moment (there are so many of them) don't want to spend a fortune but still want one that looks ok as it will be part of a larger living area when the builders are finished. I like Noyeks as they do a wood veneer on the cornices etc rather than melamine like C&C and the Panelling Centre - so - anyone out there have a Noyeks kitchen?
I put one in 4 years ago. Found them great to deal with. I felt their quality and price was better than other diy kitchens I looked at. Everything is still working as well as the day it was installed. Their Innotech drawers are a dream. Everything was straight forward to install. Still love the look of my kitchen.
Good luck.
I put one in when I built my house last year and I love it. I got the Character Oak and everyone has commented on it. The finish on doors etc. is excellent. The staff were very helpful in helping me design the kitchen and I would thoroughly recommend Noyeks, they are excellent value for money.
I've fitted two kitchens (one in my own home and one in a rental property) bought from their Ennis Branch. I found them good value and whilst there where a few mistakes made with the items delivered, they made the required effort to put it right.

I'd use them again.
I'm toying between a Noyeks quote & an In House quote. The Noyeks one comes in a bit cheaper but there seem to be a few errors in the quote that I need to iron out. I've been around a lot of places and to be honest Noyeks appear to be the best value for what I'm after. The kitchen planner I dealt with in In House just seemed to be very clued in and did up the quotation while I was with her keeping her on the straight and narrow as to what I wanted. The kitchen planner in Noyeks did up the design but then passed it off to another guy to do up the quotation so there were some disjoints... Would say they're a safe bet so long as you pay attention to the detail. In House included screws and adhesive etc. in their quote whereas Noyeks didn't.
Thanks all - got the quote back verbally today from them and was very happy with it - still will have to iron out the finer details with the written quote but am even happier now having read your replies.
What you can do as well is to go for the best value. For example, order the worktop from Inhouse, and the kitchen in Newman Noyek. Works sometimes cheaper.
Had a guy in this evening to quote me for fitting the kitchen & threw the question out to him re. Panelling Centre (In House) versus Noyeks - i.e. had he fitted as many from one as the other & though he initially said they're much of a muchness, he seemed to have a preference for the Panelling Centre. He indicated that the quality was better but I got a feeling that this was down to something like their products (cabinets/fittings) coming with clearer instructions on how they should be assembled etc.

Another guy I got a quote from also came out in favour of the Panelling Centre but I think that comes down to him getting most of his work through them - I got his card in there. That guy reckoned he'd get me a reduction on the quote from Panelling Centre if he bought the kitchen as he gets 4 or 5 a month off them. But his quote for labour doesn't make that option too attractive - he's trying to fleece me!!

I like Mynydd's suggestion - was gonna get my sink at Noyeks for sure cos they've one I like but will decide on cabinets based on which of them can get the best match on door sizes etc. for what I need - both quotations had discrepancies on a couple of door sizes. Whether or not the fitter I use can swing a bit of a discount is likely to be a decider too if their quote is reasonable.

Still don't think there's much difference between them but I've a follow up meeting with the kitchen designer in Noyeks tomorrow to sort out the discrepancies in their quotation.