I have worked in the public service (hospital) for 22 years. Because of the qualifications I had to obtain prior to securing my post, at age 65 I would have only 30 years actual service. For this reason I started to purchase 5.5 notional years about 10 years ago and also subscribed to AVCs about 7 years ago in order to obtain near enough a full pension at age 65. A few years ago I eventually obtained 5 professional years because of the time spent obtaining my qualifications. My pension advisor informed me that I am oversubscribed and that my professional added years and the years being purchased by me will provide a full pension at age 65. My question is, what can I do with the funds already invested in AVCs (€40,000) to date? Can I transfer these into my main pension fund as a lump sum to offset my ongoing buy-back of notional years? Will the AVC provider allow this? Any advice would be very welcome. Many thanks.