Novice Investor with low Capital



I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm out of college over a year and have been working since. I've been interested in starting to invest in the market at some point on a small scale. I've started a pension and I've a small amount of savings and not much debt.

I want to know if there is a way to start investing in shares and funds by dripping money into an account every month (€150-€300) and try and build up my investments that way as I don't have a lump sum to invest. Also I won't want to touch this money for awhile.

Any advice would be helpful and please forgive any naive comments & questions
First of all use extra cash to pay off the loan(s) you have. This will give you a guaranteed return of the interest rate charged; dependent on the type of loan this can be anywhere between 7% and 20%, which no investment can guarantee.
After that look into cheap funds, like already pointed out by NorfBank. Start by researching the types of funds that interest you, and dig into the underlying investments by reading the company annual reports.
Buying directly into shares is not really an option for you, as transaction fees for buy and sell will be about €8 each, and you won't be able to achieve enough diversification.