Notice of trial already served


Registered User
Hello, if a notice of trial was served on the defendants and the pleadings were amended afterwards, with the defendants consent, does a new notice of trial have to be re-served on the defendants?

How significantly were the pleadings amended?

Can the case still go forward?
thanks for the replies.

The amendment was just something omitted from the first pleading and has not changed the case in any way. The defendants conceded to the amendment but will now not communicate with me until I serve them with a new notice of trial. The fees court fees are expensive for a notice of trial.
My limited understanding of this accords with nuac's - I don't see why a new notice needs to be served - they may be "trying it on"
I'd be tempted to contact the ILS for advice and mention names, but that's my way of doing things.
It may not be appropriate in your particular case.
Do you have a solicitor or are you flying solo?