Notice of termination


Registered User
Just wondering if anyone ahs any experience on this. Theres a good chance I'll be leaving my job soon. Not sure how long prospective new employer will leave window of opportunity open.
My present contract says I need to give a months notice but theres a chance I'll have to leave sooner!
Can they make me stay the month as it'll take them a while to replace me.
Anyone know where i stand regarding this?
I've never heard of an employer taking legal action against a departing employee, but that's not the only issue. Ireland is a small world, and you really don't want to leave your current employer on bad terms. It would be very unusual for a new employer not to accept a one-month notice period. If the new employer loses you as a recruit, how long will it take them to find someone else - and won't that person most likely be on 1 months notice as well?

Do you have any outstanding holidays that you could take as part of your notice period, so you could start with the new employer in week 3 or 4 while you are technically on holidays from your old employer?

I'd set the expectation with the new employer that it's definitely going to be 1 month and haggle with the old employer to see if you can get out quicker than that.

often thought about this.....but you'd need to have the hols approved before handing in your notice as I assume they could block your hols if you are in your notice period
block your hols
If you have accrued the leave, you are entitled to be paid for it.

If you have been with an employer for less than 5 years, the statutory min is actually 1 week, as a courtesy however it is usual that you give 1 months notice.

Most employers who are hiring expect to wait a least 1 month for you to start.

Best bet is to look at the projects, work, training, handover etc., that you might have to do and discuss with your boss if you think you can get that finished up in a shorter time frame. Your boss may then be in a better frame of mind for you to finish up in less than 1 month.