Notice given- but no contact from management agent


Registered User
Not sure where to put this but as i live in an apartment and have contacted the agent i'll put it here. Please move if needed.

i've given my notice on the apartment i am renting. Due to circumstances i've had to give notice 4 mths before the end of my lease. Normally i'd never breach a contract i'd signed but after a long saga i finally secured the purchase of a property i'd signed 2 years ago. Despite trying to secure a shorter lease i was only able to get a 1year lease and at the time i signed had believed the purchase had fallen through so i did sign in good faith.

I handed in notice on the property i am renting. To ensure i gave the required 35 days notice i hand delivered the it and got a receipt, although it is not very official looking. 2 weeks later i wrote again- this time by registered post confirming my intention to vacate. I have not heard back from them. Is it up to me to follow this up or should i wait to hear from them?
Apologies but as i am posting from my phone i an restricted to shorter posts.

anyway, i while i would obviously like to get my deposit back i am happy to forfeit it as i am aware i am breaking my lease. But i'm just not sure what i should do at this point. Should i ring them? I'm worried about doing things over the phone as i would prefer things in writing but as they are not getting back to me is this the best things to do? When i initially rented it was though a well known agent who i had dealt with before but since then the agent has changed. The new agent has the same registered address as the landlord and the developer of the complex who i understand still owns a significant number of units in the development.