Nothing toxic in Waterford substance - RTE News

Apparently there were no horse tranquilisers in the stuff either, according to RTE.

Reminds me of a sketch from Mad magazine a long time ago about making pointless claims. They may as well have said there was no powdered elephant trunk in it - technically correct, but doesn't tell us what was in it.

Actually that one also seems to have come from the Gardai:
There were rumours this morning that they might have been mixing ketamine with the cocaine, the Gardai are probably just clarifying.
I think the point was that the drugs were what they were supposed to be and that therefore any illness was due to overdose rather than something like rat poison.
In any case, this mornings news reports suggest the 2 guys that are in hospital were 'eating' the stuff !!!!!
well with a bit of luck it might turn people off it or scare them a little and reduce the numbers doing it.
well with a bit of luck it might turn people off it or scare them a little and reduce the numbers doing it.

I would say that drug using government minister is re-thinking his lifestyle choices as we speak...
The guy who has just recovered from cancer needs a good kick up the backside. It might wake him from his coma! I feel for his family, friends and doctors who have helped him.

The number of people mixing E's, cocaine and other drugs is startling (I have relatives who work in healthcare). According to reports from my teenage kids, Dublin (and most areas of the country) is now awash with drugs in all areas, across all classes , across all age groups. In my day, mixing drinks led to the hangover to beat all hangovers... nowadays, mixing drugs seems to cause the mother of all comas!
I hope the two still in intensive care aren't pushing other more deserving cases out of intensive care as I heard a report yesterday morning that the ICU unit in Waterford was under severe pressure.

It's incredibly common. I live in a very rural area but have access to almost any drug should I want them.

I can tell you that about 15 years ago it wasn't unusual for a work colleague to come in after being up all night on a combination of booze/speed/coke and E. It was considered a bit mad as in "party animal" but no one, including him, really considered the dangers.

At the time, almost everyone I knew took class A drugs at least occasionally - it wasn't even considered that much of a big deal. I can only imagine that 15 years on, there is even less trepidation.
Aren't most substances (e.g. water) toxic if you take enough volume/quantity?

Yes exactly - in fact someone died on a US "endurance" type show fairly recently from drinking large volumes of water over a short period.
Yes exactly - in fact someone died on a US "endurance" type show fairly recently from drinking large volumes of water over a short period.
Yes but the the chances of developing a water addiction is a lot less than a cocaine one. So that technically makes water non-toxic.
And is definitely not an excuse for drug users to use to get out of it.

I think as long as drug users only harm themselves I'm okay with it. (So i feel for their family and friends only.)
Yes but the the chances of developing a water addiction is a lot less than a cocaine one. So that technically makes water non-toxic.

Wouldn't that make it technically non-addictive ?

It's toxicity remains, like that Dihydrous Oxide killer too.