Notary fees seem excessive

Mizen Head

Registered User
I have received a form from the US, which I have to sign and get my signature witnessed by a Notary. I have phoned a few solicitors who are also Notary Publics and they are quoting €50 to do the necessary.

This seems excessive for 2 minutes work.

Any suggestions on this one would be appreciated
Unfortunately €50 is the norm..... if only i could charge €50 for my signature!!!
€50 is cheap, When I got my divorce from a US court the notary fees were IR£30 a shot 5 years ago.
an old adage..........tradesman fixes boiler only takes him 2 minutes, sends bill €150. Householder asks for breakdown , gets following :-

One tap of hammer............... €5
Knowing exactly where to tap.. €145