Not selling - do I still pay auctioneer


Registered User
I've had my home up for 4 months and only had 2 viewers. I've had an offer of 10% below asking but cannot afford to take it and have decided to wait until next year to sell but I am wondering about auctioneer fees. I have paid advertising upfront however, do i still have to pay him his %. I never signed anything to say I would but don't know what the norm is in this situation. Does the fact that he lined up a potential buyer but we turned it down entitle him to his fee?
Was there any talk of no sale no fee? Did he say that you 'should' get a particular price? If so then you should be ok to take it off the market without penalty. If he is wise he wont charge as you're plan is to sell in the future I take it. If you are hit with a penalty then he knows you won't be back to him in the future.
Post back here on how it goes.