Not everyone has to collect social each week


Registered User
I know the social have brought in a new process where someone who signs on now has to collect their payment each week.
My brother due to be on dole a certain time only signs on once a month and get's payment via bank once a week.
My other brother has to collect his dole each week due to been made redundant in the last few months.
And as I am to sign on for first time this month I feel discriminated against.
If this is the case then this would mean that people who are on the dole from other EU Country's such as Poland for a certain period of time, can still fly in once a month to sign on and still get their payment via bank each week.
Surely this practice should be same for all,
Why can't they just change the process to include everyone.
What if you are signing and you have to go on holiday, how does that work?

OH has a holiday booked and just starting signing. Wondering how they deal with it?
As far as I know there is a form that can be filled out for such cases (as holidays) so you need not sign on for that period...(mind you that was back in the early 90's).
I believe you are allowed one period of a week or possibly 2 in the year where you can sign and go on holidays but I was told something about this recently and can't be certain.
From the DSFA website:

A person may receive Jobseeker's Benefit or Jobseeker's Allowance for 2 weeks holidays (i.e. 12 days excluding Sundays) in any calendar year. These holidays may be taken abroad.
The person is required to inform the Local Office 2 weeks in advance of their departure and to complete form UP 30. All holiday payments should be made retrospectively, upon confirmation of the position when the person signs on again (on the next normal signing day after their return). If a person goes on holiday for longer than 2 weeks, they may be paid in respect of the first two weeks, but should not receive payment for any period abroad in excess of this.

To clarify: a person signing on can be paid for up to 2 weeks holiday. They will not be paid in advance; they will receive a double/triple payment upon their return.
How do people on the dole afford a two week holiday? and I'm not being mean just interested, holidays are expensive.
Holidays don't always have to be expensive, it might be taking the kids to their Grandparents in another part of Ireland or even in another country using Ryanair flights!
Or the holiday could be paid for by family/friends.
Even sun holidays can work out cheap enough if you combine last minute deals with self catering (and you have to eat wherever you are and it can be a lot cheaper abroad!).
Just out of interest, how long do immigrants have to work here before qualifying for the dole and how many of them are on the dole?Can`t blame them i suppose.
I would imagine once they have the requisite number of PRSI contributions (same as the 'natives') they would be eligible if unfortunate enough to lose their job. The same as when thousands of Irish emigrated to the UK in the 80's and had the comfort of knowing that if things got bad they could draw 'dole'. And from day one I was able to access free doctors/dentists etc.
I get annoyed when I hear some of my friends (usually the ones who never left Ireland) pap on that we should make them go home etc. I remind them of the spread of Irish emigrants throughout the world (including the illegals in the US) and wonder how Ireland would cope if they were all expected to 'go home' once things got bad in their new country.
Just out of interest, how long do immigrants have to work here before qualifying for the dole and how many of them are on the dole?Can`t blame them i suppose.

Rules for JSB

To qualify for Jobseeker's Benefit you must:
  • Be unemployed (you must be fully unemployed or unemployed for at least 3 days in 6)
  • Be under 66 years of age
  • Have enough social insurance (PRSI) contributions
  • Be capable of work
  • Be available for and genuinely seeking work
  • Have a substantial loss of employment and as a result be unemployed for at least 3 days in 6.

Social insurance (PRSI) contributions

In order to qualify for Jobseeker's Benefit, you must pay Class A, H or P PRSI contributions. Class A is the one paid by most private sector employees. Class H is paid by soldiers, reservists and temporary army nurses, who do not qualify for Jobseeker's Benefit until they have left the army.
  • At least 104 weeks PRSI paid since you first started work
  • Have 39 weeks PRSI paid or credited in the relevant tax year (a minimum of 13 weeks must be paid contributions*)
  • Have 26 weeks PRSI paid in the relevant tax year and 26 weeks PRSI paid in the tax year immediately before the relevant tax year.
*If you do not have 13 paid contributions in the relevant tax year, the following years can be used to meet this condition:
  • The 2 tax years before the relevant tax year
  • The last complete tax year,
  • The current tax year.
The Relevant Tax Year is the second last complete tax year before the year in which your claim is made. So, for claims made in 2009, the Relevant Tax Year is 2007.
How do people on the dole afford a two week holiday? and I'm not being mean just interested, holidays are expensive.

Perhaps they were in employment, booked a holiday (many people book holidays a year in advance) then lost their job. I'm sure many people are in this situation.