Not Enough to Pay DD

Me Fein

Registered User
I made a payment to Revenue on Line and paid more than i should have. I paid 10000 but there is only 7000 in the account.

I know the payment is going to bounce but just wondering about other cheques i have written for around €3000 that are due to come out this week - the €7000 would be enough to cover them but if revenue attempt to take €10000 (i dont have an overdraft) would it leave me with a shortfall.
Maybe revenue will be late cashing the cheque. Do you not have any savings you could borrow from to load into the current account. You seem to have a cash flow issue. This is something you ought to tackle going forward.
it all depends on the order the transaction come in and the timing. It's likely the DD will bounce but that credits back into your account which would leave enough to cover the cheques.