Norton not blocking virus emails


Registered User
Since early November I've been receiving emails purporting to come from Eircom. The attachments all have the same virus W32.Mytob.KP@mm which Norton removes. The sender has a variety of names - mail, webmaster, support, info, administrator, services - all

I have put all these names into the Blocked Senders list and yet they still keep coming in from those addresses. The messages say that my account is being suspended or that my user profile is out of date etc. My question is why is Norton not blocking them and could any of them be genuine? This one came from service at on 30th December:

Dear Eircom Member,
Your e-mail account was used to send a huge amount of unsolicited spam messages during the recent week. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and confirm the attached document so you will not run into any future problems with the online service.

If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to cancel your membership.

Virtually yours,
The Eircom Support Team

+++ Attachment: No Virus (Clean)
+++ Eircom Antivirus -
Has anyone any idea why Norton isn't blocking and has my computer been compromised, even though there is no sign of anything wrong. I keep Norton up to date every week. Any advice would be appreciated.


PS This is the first time I've opened one of these and it looks very genuine to me. The attachment with this wasn't removed so maybe I should open it?
Dunno about the Norton issue, but do NOT open or touch the attachment. The bad guys are very good at making it look genuine, but it's not. If you don't believe me, contact Eircom proactively yourself, but don't touch the attachment.
Thanks RainyDay I won't. Was tempted but decided to wait till advice arrived. Yet, clicking on the link seems to take one to the genuine Eircom.Net site. Very strange. Don't think eircom would sign "Virtually yours"!

The english looking part of the email address e.g. may look the same for each email but you may find that the actual email address is different and that is what is tripping up the blocking mechanism.

Re: Norton not blocking virus emails - virus found

Hi Capaill - an update. AVG found Mytob.ADC on my computer; now quarantined. Norton didn't find it which is a surprise. Neither did AVG until I turned off System Restore and did the scan in Safe Mode.

Before and since removal, my PC has been grinding to a halt with the eggtimer++ and program not responding. I think I may have too many programs and files. Something else, I think that AVG's email scanning is clashing with Norton's, since emails seem to be very slow arriving or not getting in at all.

Could anyone tell me how to delete files in Favorites? I've searched everywhere and can't find the answer. Would be very grateful for any advice on this.

PS How do I find the actual email address in order to block those pseudo eircom ones with the virus attached? I got the address from properties and don't know any other way.

PPS This is where AVG found the virus - seems a strange location:
Re: Norton not blocking virus emails - virus found

sherib said:
PPS This is where AVG found the virus - seems a strange location:
Would this location not imply that Norton had found & quarantined the virus?
Originally quoted by RainyDay
Would this location not imply that Norton had found & quarantined the virus?

Yes, that's sounds very possible. Still, my PC is really acting up, freezing when I click on anything, ending up shutting down and restarting. Since all Restore Points are gone I can't even resort to that. Really wish I knew how to detete a lot of the files in Favorites to see if that will free up space. Can anyone help there please?
try deleting cookies too. might free up some space. I do this roughly every 4 weeks. Don't actually know how much it frees up though.
Norton says that it blocks spyware/adware but it actually doesn't do a good job. You are probably infested with spyware that is slowing down the computer. Go to and download something like adaware or spyware doctor (very reputable - never click on an ad saying that it will get rid of all your spyware - likely it will just add more). I have Norton but when I did this it found all kinds of nasty programs and the whole thing is working better now.

I would also suggest winpatrol from the same site. Lots of programs an windows are set to run at startup even if you are not using them - this will let you access the startup list and remove programs from it that you don't want. You can still use them but manually.

All this should help speed things along.
Originally quoted by Gabriel
Norton sucks. Get rid of it and install AVG and something better & free!

I think you could be right Gabriel. My PC went on the blink (severely) last night after hours trying to update Norton. Followed Symantec's instructions and ended up with almost nothing being accessible. Device Manager a blank page +restore points gone and much more gone ......., including Broadband. Rang Utv's tech support and a nice chap there advised a repair install from XP disk. My IT friend in Chicago not home and I was afraid to risk the repair unaided.

The long and the short is that I've got it back! Can't believe it! Eventually found Services and most/all were turned off. I went into Safe Mode and tediously found which were manual or automatic and turned them on. It's taken about five hours! My first solo success at solving a PC problem!

Now I don't know what caused these problems, including constant "Program not responding" but I have a sneaky feeling they started due to AVG clashing with Norton. I'm only using AVG right now and am reluctant to use or update Norton. Utv said two virus programs clash.

Thanks Garoidmm but I only have Norton's AntiVirus program. AFAIK you have to buy Norton anti-spyware and firewall programs separately. For spyware I use AdawareSE and Xoftspy and there were none of those critters on the computer.

I'd be interested to know if anyone out there uses Norton and AVG AntiVirus and if the two together work OK for them? Now for a celebratory at this hour!:D