Northwood:Music from Cars!

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Registered User
Hi there,

wondering if any of you can give me some advice. I live in Northood in Santry and there are a number of cars driving around and stopping outside lately with music absolutely blaring out late at night. It's very disturbing but not sure what I can do about it....any advice or experience with this?



Where are these cars stopping? On the main through road?
I was going to call them last night but as they don't patrol in their van at night at all i thought it was pointless. There only seems to ever be one person on at night. It's difficult to know what their remit is and what your rights are!
They just park in residents spaces and then move around and come back and park somewhere else. Sometimes on double yellows but they don't get out of the cars. It's mostly the one car but there are a couple of others. Really don't want it to get out of hand.
Hi Dee,

I will be moving into northwood shortly. Maybe try and take the reg of the car and give to security or maybe drop a line to the guards.
Thanks Sue,
if it keeps going like this I'll have to. Maybe they can stop the cars coming in as it's a private road....just hate being so drastic but it's waking me up so I guess needs must!
If it is mostly the same Car if u can get Reg and Make and Report to security maybe stop getting access to development??, also get onto management company they might be able to put pressure on security to take action against this sort of anti social behaviour??

No guarantee either of the above will work but worth a try,

One more thing you can try, is see if neighbours having same issue if so get them all to call or mail management company, have found in past if number of residents raise same issue with management companies rather than just one they tend to act a lot quicker and do something about it
I live in Temple Court and we seem to have a resident who does the same thing. Between about 9.30 and 10.30pm he seems to sit in his car and blare music. Don't know if he has just arrived home or is new to the development. I live on the ground floor so it is probably a little more annoying for me than for most. If it happens again - I am going to stick a note on his windscreen and ask him to have a little consideration for his neighbours!

To be fair though - loud music is rarely a problem where I am.

I would echo the suggestion about getting a reg number and giving it to security.
I think I know who you're talking about...there are a group of lads who go out to one particular car - last night it seemed to be the same group but for once a different car and listen to music...get out look at the boot of the car...get back in.....get out look at the boot again....get in..etc etc. They aren't skangers or boy racers.
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