North Strand, Dublin 3


Registered User

We're thinking of buying a 2/3 bed cottage in north strand. Anyone have any experience of living there or near the area? We've just come home from abroad so don't know that much about it.
There's apartments being built on the strand bowl site but I cant find any info on them on the net. We're hoping this and other developments around the area might be good news for house prices around here in the next year or so?

any info would be great

bumper said:

You could give people more than a few hours to reply!

The area is fine but i've no doubt you'll get reports to the contary in this thread too. I lived in the area for 6 years and had a radio stolen from my car once, other than that not a single problem. The area is slowly improving and its' proximity to the city centre makes it very easy to get around. Once the port tunnel is open it'll take a lot of traffic off the main road too.
I lived near North Strand until quite recently - its not a bad area. However, the car-jacking incident at the junction of East Wall Road and Nth Strand freaked me out a bit, but that could've happened anywhere in the country.
thanks for the feedback eurofan and aonfocaleile

yeah I heard about that car-jacking incident alright. It seemed to have been a once-off though (fingers crossed). My aunts friend lives at the end of the road we're thinking of and she's never had any hassle, which is a good sign.
I would be reluctant to live on the Strand itself due to noise. But some of the side streets are very quiet, especially the ones that are cul de sacs.

Lousy pubs though! Gaffney's of Fairview is probably the closest decent place if you don't fancy going into town. Not too many restaurants worth talking about, but again the proximity to city centre means this isn't really much of a hardship. The chipper on the canal bridge isn't too bad.
HI, just to say that area can flood i.e Georgian cottages in Bayview Ave, connecting North strand to Ballybough Rd, have flooded in last 10-15 years - they have basements so prone to lower level damage by water/sewers intrusion.
Tolka goes through the area and a confluence of conditions - high tide coupled with sudden flood from upstream heavy rain - can lead to flood conditions. Picture of bemused Bertie standing in 3 ft of water (tolka overflow a few years ago) spring to mind. Factor worth considering when zeroing in on first choices etc. and checking out history of any house re previous flooding experiences.
Hi there
I live in the area for the past 7 years and my family are originally from the area. Apart from my car window being smashed once or twice, I have had no problems. Don't let the car jacking incident and the motorbike chase the other night put you off. You get that sort of stuff everywhere nowadays! You never know who is living beside you either, even in a 'posh' area!

It's fantastic being so close to city centre and also to the sea. You can walk through Fairview park (it's fine before dark!) on down the sea front and down to Dollymount Beach. YOu get the best of both worlds. Traffic can be heavy during rush hour and noisy too if you live on North Strand Road as I do but as someone said here, the streets off the main road are grand. It is hard to get parking though even if you have a residents permit!! It seems that many more residents have cars in the last few years.

Someone said there was only one decent pub. While I agree that Gaffneys is one of the best, The Anesley house on North Strand Road opposite the fire station is one brilliant 'salt of the earth' real type place. The locals (including myself) drink downstairs and then upstairs you have the music venue. It's becoming quite a trendy music venue to frequent. You have people like Wally Page and even one of the girls who sang in the committments (Bronagh) has been known to jam there. There a few known actresses and artists that drink in there! You cannot judge by appearances, believe me!

As for restaurants, there isn't a brilliant choice but I really like Da Enzos which is a small authentic Italian on Fairview Strand nearly opposite the church. There is also a new Thai restaurant (can't remember the name at the moment) just behind North Strand oppositie Clonliffe House in Ballybough.

Hope this helps!!

All the best
hi all

thanks for the replies.

We went to view the house last night and popped into Cusacks pub on the strand road before it. its a great little pub!
guinness dropped down to you at your table by a friendly barman, and a very nice pint it was too )

Someone else recommended de enzos so will check that out. Fairview seems to be changing for the better so I cam imagine loads more restaurants springing up there.

the house we're looking at is on one of the quiet roads off the main strand road and you cant even hear the traffic from their back garden.
it does seem to be ideal for us - we can walk to work and then at weekends you have clontarf strand and the beach nearby.

hmmm very tempted to put an offer on now...
I've lived in the area for the last 3 years (on one of the quieter side streets) and have to agree with the above posters that it is a fine area to live in.

I agree with the above review on Cusack's too. it's a great little local pub. Would also agree that the chipper near the canal is very good.

Da Enzo's in Fairview is a super place to have on your door step too as is the cheaper Casa Pasta a bit further up the Clontarf Rd.

The area is very handy for town too & I've walked home in 15 mins after a night out although I probably wouldn't if I was a lone female but that's the same everywhere.

It's nice too to have the sea so close. A 10 minute walk has you up on the Clontarf strand while a 5 minute drive has you on Bull Island.

I'd certainly recommend the area.

Good luck with the bidding as it's sure to be a popular location I'd imagine!!
It is becoming a very desirable location! It was too back in my parents time but then it became somewhere nobody wanted to live! Now the convenience to both city centre and scenic areas cannot be ignored! House prices are rising and the property is being snapped up. I love living here.

Cusacks is indeed a good pub, forgot to mention it last time but after 7 years I am still considered a blow in there! You really have to be careful not to sit in the seats of people who have been frequenting the pub for many years! You don't want to put anyone's nose out of joint.

When I first came to North Strand, myself and my brother went in there, got our pints and made ourselves comfy. Shortly after, a group of older people came in and plonked themselves down at our table. Nothing was said to us, they ignored us and talked amongst themselves. They kept moving in closer and closer and when I came back from the toilets one of them had moved into my seat! Nobody said anything to us, but body language was everything! We ended up standing up at the bar.One of the locals, now my friend, enlightened us to the fact that certain people have certain seats and that code should not be broken! We do still drink in there occasionally especially at Christmas when they have a spectacular array of decorations!

All the best, whatever you do!
bumper said:
Fairview seems to be changing for the better so I cam imagine loads more restaurants springing up there.

There was never anything wrong with Fairview, was there? Could do with another restaurant or two alright, though. I don't really think Da Enzo bears repeat visits - haven't been there in more than a year but I think it's overpriced for such a limited menu and fairly basic cuisine. Certainly cheerful place though, with great service. Agree that it's better than Casa Pasta, but not that it's cheaper. Casa Pasta is not great, food only OK and every time I've been there we've been charged for a dish or appetizer that never arrived.

The new Charjo Thai restaurant across from Clonliffe House on Ballybough Road is indeed very good and easily the best restaurant in the area. Service can be a little slow when they are busy but I suppose that's the case everywhere.

Clontarf Strand? Where is that exactly? The seafront is a great place for a walk though.

Dollymount is now a Blue Flag beach, believe it or not!
I have to say although I love Da Enzos because of handiness of location and excellent and cheerful atmosphere, I do agree that it is overpriced for what it is, even including the 'free' drink you get.

I have been to Charjo once and it was excellent decor and food but the service was definitely slow in a big way. My other half nearly got up and walked out only I calmed him down! The waitress gave us two free drinks to compensate for the time waiting, so that was fair enough. They are only a new place though so I guess they will improve as time goes on.

Hey, but this is not meant to be about the restaurants in the area so I will shut up now!!
Thanks for all the restaurant tips. The website for charjo looks really good so will be checking that out. Maybe on a quiet night though )

Theres that coffee shop D3 as well across the road from cusacks. I wonder does that do evening meals.

Right, so I have my list of pubs and places to eat and walks now, all i need is a house in north strand
D3 is now called Lets Eat. Don't know why they changed the name. It's a cool café for lunch and I can be found most Saturday mornings/afternoons having my fry-up there! Nope. They definitely don't do evening meals! Good luck with the housebuying!
thanks suileglasa. will check it out when we're next viewing the house.
have you heard anything about the apartments going up on the strand bowl site? I'm just curious to know whats going to be there ie amenities likes shops etc.

Apparently the crosbys yard apartments are all already sold!

Haven't heard much about those apartments except that there will be a large section of affordable housing.