North East Facing Site - need advice!!


Registered User
Hi All,

An opportunity has come up to buy a North East facing site - the site is perfect in every way except for the direction it faces....

It's off a good road, in a nice area, 5 miles from a major town....

It's a lovely elevated site, BUT it faces the North East, and this is really turning us off it....

We are currently living on a housing estate where the back gets no sun at all past 2 pm in the day and this has always been a real downer for us.

The site is 1/2 an acre, so I know the house(that we would plan to build on it!) wouldn't shadow the whole back of site, but directly around the back of the house would be shadowed....

I suppose I'm just wondering is it not such a big deal when it's a single house site as there will be sun in the back garden?? Anyone got any advice?


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I'm presuming that you have to build your house facing a certain direction for some reason and can't re-position the house on the site to face a different direction.

I would have thought a good architect could design a house and garden that would maxamise the sun, possibly use the rear of the garden more than the area directly behind the house.

If you really like the site and want to live there it probably shouldn't be a deal-breaker.

We got hung up with this issue when buying recently, had to have the
southwest facing rear garden sun aspect and all that.
But in the end didnt get that house........but guess what bought the one
directly opposite southwest facing front garden.

You will have no problems with sunlight on an open site,when the sun
is high in the sky there will no shadow to speak of also if your building
yourself i'm sure you'll design it to maximise sunlight coming in.

Its so not a big deal.................
A good architect will design a house to suit to the site. We havent built yet but in design stage, we thought of a house being a rectangle which has to 'face' a certain direction but because of view at the back and wind coming up from right side of site, the architect designed the house to have our entrance at the far side and living room to the rear. It doesnt actually face any direction. Also, a solution to stopping the shadow would be to opt for a bungalow. 1/2 acre site leaves plenty of room...
Surely if the site is facing northeast the house will be facing northeast and your back garden will be facing southwest, so you will have the sun in your back garden for most of the day!
Re: North East Facing Garden - need advice!!

Sorry I've edited the thread as the site is South West facing, I meant to say that the back garden is North East facing!!

I don't think I could position the house any other way than facing the road?
