North Arklow - The Pines


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We are looking to move to the wicklow area as i've been offered a job in sandyford.
We are looking for a small estate as we have 2 small children.
There are about 3 houses up for sale in this area and i was just wondering if anyone knew anything about the area or could recommend somewhere that side of arklow please.
Have a look at Rathdrum, much nicer place to live IMHO. There is a new development there BUT I think it's almost sold out now however they are still building the remaining houses up the back, it's a lovely development. It's called The Woods, check it out on
Why N side of Arklow? in terms of journey times to Dublin it makes no difference, so do not restrict yourself.

The pines is an ok estate. St Josephs school nearby is a mixed school with good facilities. A lot of the houses in the estate are rented.

Had a look at myhome, and there are houses in nicer areas for the same price imo.
I fully agree with SarahMc - don't restrict yourself to north Arklow. There are some lovely areas all around the town and its outskirts. I would however, choose Arklow over Rathdrum as there are much more facilities/things to do and the road link is better plus you cant beat a coastal town IMO! Commuting times to Sandyford would probably be similar by road but Rathdrum to Dublin CC by rail would be about 15/20 mins less. Lived in Arklow for a while and loved it - wish I was back there in the sunny south east - well, nearly south east!
the only reason we are thinking of N arklow is because of recommendation. But if anyone could give me further insight into other areas of arklow i would be very appreciative. Thanks.
Had a look at those houses in rathdrum and to be honest there don't seem to be very many facilities around the area at all.
Hi Casper,

While saying don't restrict yourself to north Arklow, don't rule it out either as it's equally as nice as the rest of the town. I would be inclined to look at the newer estates (depending on budget obviously) Knockmore, Ocean Crest, Woodlands, Meadow Vale, The Maples to name a few. Emyvale is a new estate being built at the moment too just past the Woodlands Estate. While these would be larger than the Pines they are equally as nice places to live and have good green areas and in some cases playgrounds/creches. Take a trip down some w/e or a couple of days during the week and check out the town and its estates. The town itself has great facilities such as two swimming pools and leisure centres, rugby club, soccer clubs, tennis, loads of pubs, restuarants, shops and supermarkets (including the massive Bridgewater Centre which is due to open this year).

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Best of luck with the search!
I wouldnt knock Rathdrum, although the town has suffered from very little investment that is about to change, and there is a lot planned for the town infact it is being totally revamped over the next two years, so it might be a good time to buy there. Theres a smaller village community life in rathdrum compared to the town of arklow, there are some top quailty shops/pubs/restautants in the village and also ff your into fishing/golf/outdoors theres loads to do, plus your only 15 mins from wicklow town/N11 or 40 mins from Arklow.

Horses for courses I guess.
Rathdrum is lovely. There is so much planned for the area and you have everything you need beside you. Lots for the kids and adults to do, you just have to look it up!, that is half the fun of moving to a new area.
We are there a month now and we love it and the kids are so happy. We looked at Arklow and just didn't like it, but as the saying goes. Different strokes for different folks!