The distance in monetary terms to someone unable to afford a car to someone driving a standard car is smaller then the distance to someone driving a supercar. But in real terms the big difference is between having a car and not.
I assume that every employee of a business, including the CEO, works and therefore every employee is a worker.
If the question is how much more than the average employee should the CEO earn then It depends on a number of factors including the size of the company, the average added value of the average employee, the ownership structure of the company etc.
I certainly don't think it's desirable that a family relying completely or mostly on long term welfare supports should have an income after housing costs of more than 50% of the median.
If they were in receipt of HAP then they'd have an additional €500 or so a week. If they had a Council House they'd be even better off.
A single earner with two children on €80'000 a year who is paying rent in Dublin would have a lower income after housing costs.