3 Months 3.00% - 3.25%
6 Months 3.00% - 3.30%
7 Months 3.30%
9 Months 3.00% - 3.35%
1 Year 3.35%
Note 1: €20,000 minimum for 3.00% for 3 months, 3.00% for 6 months, 3.30% for 7 months, 3.00% for 9 months and 3.35% for 1 year.
Note 2: €100,000 minimum for 3.25% for 3 months, 3.30% for 6 months and 3.35% for 9 months.
Note 3: This INBS product is open to resident, non resident, personal and business customers.
Note 4: The 7 month term deposit rate offer ends February 28th 2010.