Non-pub meeting place wanted


Registered User
I'm meeting some adult friends next week. As most of us will be driving, I don't really want to meet in a pub, but I'm having difficulty finding a coffee shop or similar open around Dundrum at 9pm. We don't really want to take up a table in a restaurant as we won't be having full meals.

Suggestions welcome.....
Rainyday - I would have suggested going to somewhere like Paris or New Zealand or somewhere like that, but I see you want somewhere near Dundrum. That kind of makes things impossible.

There's always McDonalds . . .

Unfortunately I don't think you are going to find anywhere suitable. I'm not trying to be flippant, but the kinds of places you are looking for are very few and far between.

There is a coffee shop in the middle of Rathmines which stays open late at weekends at least. I'll get the name for you if someone else doesn't post it in the meantime.

I know the one you are talking about Brendan - beside the old fire station. Actually a few doors towards town from the old fire station, because it's a pub right next door. I can recommend it as I've been there a few times. The place certainly has character and is as likely to have footie on the telly as a tarot reading session. The good news is that there are a few levels with different areas in them so you can pick and choose your seats. There used to be a similar(ish) place in Ranelagh where they had poetry readings and stuff like that, but it went bust. It was a great place.
