Non payment of VRT ?




Sorry for starting off with a topic such as this.

Basically, you have to pay the VRT for any vehicle that you own in while living Ireland that is not registered in Ireland.

But what if you refuse to pay ?
What is the procedure ?

I have heard the fine is 10% of the cars value.
What happens in the case of repeat offenders ? Is it just another 10% fine, or does something else happen ?
Is this written in a law somewhere ?

Th reason I ask is because due to the VRT procedure forcing you to de-register the car in its place of origin, which is not always beneficial.
Revenue will seize you car and wont give it back to you until it is paid.
I have heard that one before, but they cannot do that.
Simply put you have to present the car to the NCT centre for it to be evaluated and NCTed.
I have heard that one before, but they cannot do that.
Simply put you have to present the car to the NCT centre for it to be evaluated and NCTed.

Simply put, Revenue will take your car. They don't mess around. It's nothing to do with the NCT. THey'll take your car, and then they'll follow up with fines and prosecution.
There is a programme on Sunday evening RTE 1 called Customs, take a look and it will show Revenue officers seizing cars for non payment of VRT. Doesnt get clearer than that
It is a vehicle registration tax. Many states have these. It just so happens it is very dear in Ireland.
why do we pay VRT when its free to move products within the EU?

Its not - VAT will arise

You buy from amazon and they will ship from another EU country but charge you Irish VAT because you are based in Ireland
It would seem to me that the reason for the OP was to see I there are ways of avoiding VRT by constantly changing the unregistered car with a different one. But it's not that simple. The tax is linked to the residency of the owner. If they have roots in Ireland, VRT was due within 24hrs of the car arriving in the state. If it has not been paid then, you have committed an offence.
If caught, the car is immediately seized. You can pay a penalty of 10% of the value of the car, to avoid it being impounded. This is due immediately. No payment, no car. No loopholes. No slap on the wrist. You will also owe the VRT.
As someone said, watch Customs on RTE and you will see this in operation.
I see.
Thanks for the replies.
It seems that I will have to park the car up, and get an irish car to drive with.
The motor tax itself, though annoying, is not the end of the world, but the VRT and the necessity to de-register the car from its originating country makes it unbearable.

Its a silly thing if you ask me.
... It seems that I will have to park the car up, and get an irish car to drive with...
I'm not sure if you fit in the categories in the post above for exemption, but simply parking the car up does not eliminate the VRT liability you have incurred.

The car is here and has apparently been used on the road illegally. you cannot retrospectively change history.
The motor tax itself, though annoying, is not the end of the world, but the VRT and the necessity to de-register the car from its originating country makes it unbearable.

Its a silly thing if you ask me.
What's silly to me is that you seem to have engaged on a particular course of action without checking the laws, potential liabilities and consequences.