Non Payment of Credit Card Debt

Hiya- I have an outstanding debt of 6k which was with MBNA and is now with AVANT card- since the takeover I have not contracted myself to Avant card by making any payments- prior to the take over I had numerous dealings with MBNA and had agreed a monthly payment. Since the take over I heard nothing from Avant card until August of this year- they have tried to contact me on a number of occasions and I have not taken their calls as I am of the thinking that if I talk to them I am contracting myself to them.
I received a letter from them today with the usual jargon that I have to start making repayments or the debt will be sold to a third party.
My question is this; should I contact them ( in doing so I am contracting myself to them) or do I just ignore them as I have been doing. If I do contact them I would be insisting that they freeze the interest and I would only pay what is affordable by my terms and not theirs.
I know that my credit rating is pretty much banjaxed anyway because of this.
I should also point out that in my dealings with MBNA I requested to them that the card should be blocked which it is so the card is inactive.
Any advice would be appreciated.

You owed the money to MBNA; this does not appear to be in dispute. MBNA sold the debt, along with all their other Irish business to Avantcard.

You now owe the money to Avantcard, whether or not you "contract" yourself to them (whatever that is supposed to mean).
Hiya- I have an outstanding debt of 6k which was with MBNA and is now with AVANT card- since the takeover I have not contracted myself to Avant card by making any payments- prior to the take over I had numerous dealings with MBNA and had agreed a monthly payment. Since the take over I heard nothing from Avant card until August of this year- they have tried to contact me on a number of occasions and I have not taken their calls as I am of the thinking that if I talk to them I am contracting myself to them.
I received a letter from them today with the usual jargon that I have to start making repayments or the debt will be sold to a third party.
My question is this; should I contact them ( in doing so I am contracting myself to them) or do I just ignore them as I have been doing. If I do contact them I would be insisting that they freeze the interest and I would only pay what is affordable by my terms and not theirs.
I know that my credit rating is pretty much banjaxed anyway because of this.
I should also point out that in my dealings with MBNA I requested to them that the card should be blocked which it is so the card is inactive.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Referring to the Bold type above, I think the sooner the Courts put paid to this Freeman-type nonsense the better - and IMHO, anything less than jail sentences won't work (fines will be left unpaid).
They have to provide proper proof of ownership of the debt. I have yet to see an actual deed of assignment from MBNA to this Avant crowd.
Thanks for the replies- I have since called Avant card and have come to an agreement with them for affordable monthly repayments.
Glad to hear you have come to an arrangement - I hope they agreed to freeze the interest.