Non EU employee


Registered User
What is the story regarding employing non eu nationals. I have some employed already, got PPS numbers and tax credits for them. Presumed when they had PPS nos they were legal to work in country. Should I have applied for permits for them in my own name?. I cannot guarantee full time work to any employees due to the nature of my business (agency work), therefore would i be able to get work permits for any of them?. All my staff are nearly Non Eu Nationals. If I cannot employ them I would have to stop my business. Any advice would be appreciated.
A PPS number does not grant permission to work. Chances are they are working illegally - If they are allowed work for example because they are students, their passports will be stamped accordingly. Even if they are students permitted to work, there are restrictions on number of hours etc. The department limit the occupations that will be granted permits and they cannot work while you are waiting for the permit to issue
Afaia, the employees should have work permits but whether in your name of theirs I'm not sure.

See [broken link removed] and in particular see the section on Non EU/EEA/Swiss nationals
This CitizensInformation link might also be of use:

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work permits should be on your/ your company's name, if they already have a work permit with another company you can apply for a transfer