Non-contributory pension means test


Registered User
My uncle, age 79 was a small farmer, he doesn't have enough PRSI contributions to get the state Contributory pension.
He sold the farm 5 years ago, and lives of the savings from the farm sale.
He has no other assets except the small house he lives in. He is not married and has no children.
Recently he has been talking about gifting his savings evenly between his 6 Nieces and Nephews.
Technically he would then pass the means test for the non-contrib state pension.
However I have the following questions
Can he apply for non-contrib pension now at age 79 ? Articles I've read say, to apply before age 65.
Would the gifting of his savings be seen as divesting of his assets, in order to qualify for the non-contrib pension ?
Is there a look back period regarding disposal of property and savings ?

I know people will have lots of different suggestions:) , but I'm just looking for answers to these specific questions please and thanks....

These links might help to answer your questions.
These links might help to answer your questions.

And ......................... from the above link:

Deprivation of capital​

If you deprive yourself of capital in order to either qualify for pension, or to qualify for pension at a higher rate, then that capital will be assessed against you as means.

In other words, if you can support yourself from your own capital, then giving it away and asking the State to support you is a big no no!
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2. (1) Subject to paragraph (2), if it appears that any person has, whether before or after the commencement of this Act, directly or indirectly deprived himself or herself of any income or property in order to qualify himself or herself for the receipt of the pension or allowance in question, or for the receipt of the pension or allowance at a higher rate than that to which he or she would otherwise be entitled, that income or the value of that property shall for the purposes of these Rules be taken to be part of the means of that person.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any assignment—

(a) which is an assignment to a child or children of the assignor, and
(b) which is an assignment of property consisting of a farm of land (together with or without the stock and chattels thereon) and of which the assignor is the owner and the occupier or the occupier only.
In an attempt to pass the means test and qualify for the non contributory state pension?

Yep; and given his age, possibly to become eligible for the Fair Deal scheme. After all, why pay for anything from one's own resources if one can get Johnny Taxpayer to pay for it?