Non Alcoholic wine


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Is there such a thing as Non Alcoholic wine (like non alcoholic beer)?

Had a look in supermarket yesterday - they had Ame, which looked like a sweet fruit juice drink, which is not what I am looking for. I need a red that looks and tastes something like wine.


I came across Sutter Home wines named Fre, these wines contain low amounts of alcohol.

Theres a list of alcohol free wines on this website wine try here also wine shop see if you can get them in an offie / supermarket here.

Hope this helps

I remember years ago buying non alcoholic wine and the name was Carl Jungs. Am not sure if this is still available might be worthwhile checking with your local off licence as to its availability.
John waters was on 'The Restaurant' recently and had a non-alcoholic wine
Semivin' - Non-Alcoholic, Valentia, Spain Cost €5.00 - as I remember got pretty terrible reviews from the public. All wine tastes the same to me - absolutely terrible!
my wife is pregnant and we've tried all the Non-Alcoholic drink out there,
ALL the wine was horrible (some less so but not what you'd like!).
got some from Tesco in UK it was total !!! the only decent
Non-Alcoholic drink we found drinkable was the Erdinger, and we
both drink it.
I remember years ago buying non alcoholic wine and the name was Carl Jungs. Am not sure if this is still available might be worthwhile checking with your local off licence as to its availability.

I've seen it very recently in Centra. Never tried it though. I always find the idea of alcohol free drinks strange. Just drink fruit juice!
Don't know about Erdinger but every non-alcoholic wine and beer I've ever tasted is pretty vile.

Sometimes on the first drink it's kind of "mm..this actually isn't too bad"

Have never got to the third...

What about low as opposed to no alcohol? They'll certainly taste better

There's a brand called 'Perception' - can't remember if it's low or no alcohol - but from what I've heard the whites are nasty but the reds are OK. Have never seen it on sale.
Have to agree that non alcoholic wine is vile - at least the few we tried. They were absolutely undrinkable and left a terrible after taste.
I saw some in M&S over the last few weeks. Havent tried them though as I like the "real thing". Have a party coming up in the next few weeks and was thinking of getting some for a cousin of mine who is inclined to over indulge......... hee hee