Nokia N95 Is it worth the hefty price?


Registered User
Anyone have any opinions good or bad on the N95? Is it worth the hefty price? I've heard bad things about the battery, but I've heard bad things about the battery on the 6300 Nokia's have a battery issue!?
Re: Nokia N95

My OH has this phone and loves it. I think he's managed to hang on to this one longer than any other of the previous phones he's had... which says a lot as he normally goes through a new phone per month.
From what I know (through him) if you're using the wiFi option or the GPS the battery won't last long, maybe half a day. If you're not using these options you can get more like two days or more out of it.
I loved the GPS maps option, we downloaded the maps from the Nokia website (free) and were able to find our way around Quebec and Ontario Canada this summer, he's off to Holland this weekend so he's all prepared with his maps downloaded for that!
Also, as we have wireless internet router, both he and I can check our e-mail at the same time without fighting over the laptop!
If you have any specific questions or want more info let me know, he can always post his own opinion later

Re: Nokia N95

I have one, best phone I ever got. Battery life is shorter if you use the heavy applications like wifi and GPS, but i dont find it a problem, with a charger at home, a charger at work, and a car charger.
Re: Nokia N95

The charger is the smaller sized one used for many of teh current Nokia's so chances are if you've had a few of them you have an extra one and perhaps one in the car.
I confess, I have the same for each of my phones!

Re: Nokia N95

The maps are good but having to pay for the navigation software is a bit of a rip off
Re: Nokia N95

That's alot of chargers!!

Not really, most would have at least one charger at home, and one in the office. Plus everyone should have a car kit. I think the point I was making, is that with this, battery is not an issue, I have the same number of chargers with my N95 as I had with my last phone (a 6650).

The other point of course, is that the N95 is one device, with one battery, as opposed to say haveing a seperate mobile phone, GPS and wifi device, each with thier own batteries etc.

I would say, the maps could be a bit better, not quite the same level of detail as garmin for example, hopefully they will improve

Re: Nokia N95

The N95 can not really replace an existing GPS unit.
As I already said the navigation software has to be purchased seperatly & the GPS on the phone is very slow. I have sometimes seen mine take up to 5 minutes to find its location.
Re: Nokia N95

IMHO, they are overpriced, way too big (physically), and far too 'plasticy' for the price. I had one for about a month, but it's just waay too clunky and hard to navigate. It's also a bit slow (opening apps, navigating around, etc).

I bought a nice 8GB Iphone instead and havent looked back!
I'm heading to the states in November and was thinking of getting an IPhone. Are they worth it???
In short, hell yes!!!

I have to admit to being something of a technophile, and to have been playing with apple machines since the humble Apple ][+ waaaaaay back when. That aside, the iPhone is one of those 'killer' devices that come along very seldom indeed. Read an excellent review over at -
Unfortunately you are tied to one network and one 2 year contract, and any future updates from Apple could brick you unlocked iPhone as a "side-effect"
I'm an Apple fan but no thanks.

He's not, as he's using a hacked one
Happily running on O2 here, data and all. Plus, if a future apple update does brick the phone, you can simply restore to factory default using itunes and then re-unlock it
What about the Nokia N73 as a 'lite' alternative to the N95. Has anyone got this one? I suppose I have a Nokia prejudice. I've been using a Sony Ericsson for the past 4 years but I just want to get one of the Nokias.
He's not, as he's using a hacked one
hence the second part of my sentence
if a future apple update does brick the phone, you can simply restore to factory default using itunes and then re-unlock it
Well it's a bit more complicated than that. And that holds for the current release. No guarantee any future updates can as easily be reversed.

In any case you are paying for a phone contract that you may not want/need.
Once Apple officially get O2 selling them here, life will be simpler. When all is said and done, they are the smartest, most intuitive, prettiest devices I've certainly ever encountered.
According to Car Phone Warehouse, Nokia do not have a cradle/car kit for the N95. Seems strange that. Checked the Nokia website and it is difficult to establish as the accessories don't list the N95 for compatibility. Maybe the web site is not up to date or maybe the N95 does not have many compatible accessories. Can anyone help ?
3 in the uk are giving them for free on contracts we are being screwed.

A colleague got they look good.

So it might be best to hold off.