Nokia 7200 phone



I'm thinking about buying the new Nokia 7200 phone - it seems to have most of the features I need (stereo, camera, polyphonic ringtones etc) - just the tri-band capability is missing...
Before I part with my hard-earned €€€, has anyone used one of these, or heard anything about them?
Thanks :)
I'm thinking about buying the new Nokia 7200 phone - it seems to have most of the features I need (stereo, camera, polyphonic ringtones etc) - just the tri-band capability is missing...
Before I part with my hard-earned €€€, has anyone used one of these, or heard anything about them?

It's not a bad phone - Nokia's first decent clamshell - but is hardly new - it is a year old already.

I would personally go for the 3G [broken link removed], of which I have just become a proud owner - it has a megapixel camera, clamshell design, colour screen on the outside and inside and importantly for the future is 3G compliant.

Check out the review on the Register.