Noisy neighbours dog - advice needed!


Registered User
Hi guys,

My girlfriend and I have a major problem with our neighbours noisey dogs. We moved into a new housing estate 1 year ago and have suffered from noise pollution ever since. The neighbour, a lady, around 35 years old lives alone and does shift work(12hour shifts). When she goes to work she leaves her two small dogs in the back garden until she returns.

The dogs bark almost constantly at absolutely nothing! There is never anyone around to bark at because its a new area. Unfortunately due to the proximity of our house we suffer from this barking on a daily basis. This also goes on at the weekend and is extremely annoying at 7am on a Sunday morning after a heavy night out! The dogs are never taken out on walks or anything so I think they are frustrated at being couped up all of the time, this is whay I think they bark so much.

I would like to know who I can complain to about this noise. Is there an 'environmental health' dept or someone like that could send out a letter to the neighbour advising them that a complaint has been recieved?

The neighbour went on holiday during the summer and left the dogs in the back garden, they were barking continuously at 4am at nothing!!! They have a shed with a dog door in the side of it which they go in and out of. I was forced to call the neoghbours father at one stage to take the doges to his house!!!

Any help is greatly appreciated!


I feel great sympathy for these poor animals. Dogs are not sheep and should not be penned up outside in a garden 24 hours a day. Anyone who treats a domestic dog like this needs telling.

I would call the DSPCA and tell them you are concerned the animals are not being treated properly - which they clearly are not. In fact, I would tell the owner that she is a disgrace and shouldnt be let in charge of a dog.

Best of luck with it

Can I ask if you have tried actually talking in a reasonable manner to the woman herself? Maybe raise the issue about fairness to the dogs, fairness to the neighbours first. If she "acts the dog" then head off to the Environmental Officers / District Court / DSPCA but first I'd approach here - you never know it might save a lot of hassle.

Good luck!
You need to talk to your neighbour first - try to appeal to her good side. I would imagine that other neighbours are also suffering to some degree so talk to them - see if they will back you up. If that fails you have 2 options - write her a formal letter of complaint advising you will take the necessary legal steps should she not rectify the situation or fight fire with fire and cause her annoyance at the end of her work shifts (legally of course!) such as building some random wooden box which involves a lot of drilling and hammering. I presume she works nights from your post so she would be looking for sleep during the day.

Good luck
Ditto to all the above advice. It's really not fair on the (dumb?) animals; there's an issue of due care here. Appeal to her better side/try the softly, softly approach first and — only if that fails! — step up the pressure, gradually. From what you say, it sounds a bit like she's using the dogs as a cheap burglar-deterrent... (?)