Noisy Music from pub next door


Registered User
Hi, does anyone know who I can contact about loud music being played in the pub next door. I have checked and they don't have a music and dance licence but cannot find out to who I report this, I have tried the gardai but they keep telling me it is a civil matter, the licence should be issued by the district court which I believe makes it a matter that the Gardai should be dealing with.

The noise levels haven't been too bad until recently when they moved from traditional and jazz to live bands.
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1. Noise pollution- you contact your local council.

2. Having live music without a dance licence- this is the remit of the gardai. Get on to the local superintendant or inspector.

The first step is to go there and speak to the manager. They may well sort it out if they are aware that it disturbs the neighbours.
I would report any instances to the local council, they're the one who deals with it where I live.
Being associated with a band I know owners generally receptive to neighbours complaining and will work with them to come to a resolution around times and noise levels.

I know of one pub that paid for sound proof windows for a neighbour that complained about the levels although that was a unique case where that was the only close by building.

I know of one hotel in dublin that has a very close neighbouring estate but has weddings which of course generally involves music, the complaining neighbours got council out and said music couldnt go over a certain level after a particular time, neighbours armed themselves with a decible meter and raised it with authorities each time there was a breach. (still do AFAIK)

Talk to the pub manager first. They may be able to get a limiter in which cuts power to the stage once noise goes over a given DB level for a certain amount of time, usually around 5 seconds mark.
Best not to buy a house next door to a pub,i live next to one its been there 100 years,it was there when my area was a village,i moved in knowing it was there,sometimes the music disturbs me but i feel it unfair that i moved in knowing about the pub and then complaining about it entertaining,by the way i dont drink or use the pub,but i tolerate it.
Some times managers can't be approached, I know in my area the managers would laugh you out the door. Some people are best by passed. If this is the case with the OP, the first point of call should be the local council.